Food Triggers and Stress Relief

Food and Beverage Stress Triggers

Foods high in salt and fat is a food trigger stress. The reason is because these foods stimulate the production of stress hormones are hormones kartisol. The hormone will inhibit the action of serotonin, which acts to affect mood or mood, due to its calming and controlling anxiety. Another effect of kartisol is causing the release of hormones neuropeptide Y and galanin hormone that makes people want to consume fatty foods and sweet foods. As a result, a person will experience a bad mood continued.
Fast food such as nuggets, meatballs , sausage or canned foods are processed foods that can trigger stress because these foods contain lots of salt and fat. Simple carbohydrates such as bread or noodles and trans fat foods are also a cause of stress.
Besides food, beverage choice is selected also can cause stress. Liquors and beverages, coffee , and drinks with high caffeine levels are not good for your mood. Reduce the drink in order not to trigger your stress.

Food and Drinks Stress Relief

The content of B vitamins, omega 3, folic acid, magnesium and vitamin C can make a meal of food classified as stress reliever. Choose foods that contain antioxidants that will help launch a memory function.
Avocado , banana, tuna, salmon, sardines, milk , and yogurt contain lots of vitamin B. While folic acid may be obtained from oatmeal, orange or asparagus. Magnesium, which can help you sleep soundly, many found in almonds, spinach or tofu that will help the body produce dopamine. While foods with vitamin C can be more easily found in fruits such as oranges, kiwi , guava or strawberry.
To obtain the desired benefits, your diet should be combined. At meals, select foods with protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. A good combination will make the sugar stable blood and reduce the desire to eat a snack.
After learning of food stress reliever, it is also necessary to know the drinks that can reduce stress.Drinking enough water , which is about 2 liters per day or sipping a cup of tea will help calm the heart .Especially if you drink tea with the family and in a pleasant atmosphere, will definitely keep you from stress.


Benefits of Milk

Commonly known as milk drinks amplifier bones and teeth due to calcium content it has.However, there are actually lots of nutrients that exist, such as phosphorus, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B 12, vitamin B 2, amino acid and pantothenic acid. Of these beneficial nutrients to support the health of your body.

Benefits of Milk

Because it has the nutritional content, the milk has the benefit of not a few, including:
  • Prevent osteoporosis and keep bones strong. For children, serves milk for bone growth that makes children grow taller.
  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Prevent damage to teeth and maintain oral health. Milk can reduce the acidity of the mouth, stimulates saliva, reducing plaque and prevent cavities.
  • Neutralize toxins such as metal or tin that may be contained in food.
  • Prevent colon cancer or bowel cancer.
  • Preventing diabetes type 2.
  • Beautify the skin, making it more shine.
  • Helping to make it faster to sleep. This is because the content of the milk will stimulate the hormone melatonin, which would make drowsy body.

Milk Types

The types of milk available in the market also vary. There are terms that say as a substance contained in the milk that you may not know. Some terms are:
  • Full cream

    Containing 4% fat and typically contain lots of vitamin A and vitamin D.
  • Low fat

    Low-fat milk, because the fat content is only half of full cream milk.
  • Skim

    The milk fat content even less, less than 1%.
  • Evaporated milk

    That is milk that has diupkan some water so that it becomes thick. Similar to the sweetened condensed milk, milk tetepi fresh taste of this type.
  • Pasteur Milk

    The milk through a process pasteurisais (heated) 65 ° to 80 ° C for 15 seconds to kill pathogenic bacteria that can cause disease.
  • Flavoured

    Actually, full cream milk or low fat is added a certain flavor for variety. Such as milk chocolate, strawberry, banana and other flavors. Generally contain sugar that much more because of the addition of these flavors.
  • Calcium enriched

    Milk with added calcium and fat content has been reduced.
  • UHT

    Stands for Ultra-High Temperature-Treated. This type of milk is milk that is heated in a high temperature (140 ° C) for 2 seconds then immediately inserted in the carton airtight. This milk can be stored for a long time.
  • CLA

    Milk is useful for people who want to streamline the body. CLA stands forconjugated linoleic acid is that will assist in the formation of muscle and speed up fat burning.

Why Drink Milk?

Although it has many benefits, but many people are reluctant to drink milk. This is evident from the lack of milk consumption in Indonesia people per year. One reason that often dikemukan is the expensive price of milk. For the price of milk, there are actually a lot of milk that cost has been adjusted. And considering the many nutrients it contains, then it takes is to instill awareness of the benefits of milk so that people can consume and do not regard it as an expensive item.
The other reason is not like drinking milk because it makes the nausea or abdominal pain after drinking milk. When you feel abdominal pain after drinking milk, it means you suffer from lactose intolerance. The reason for the lack of production of lactase in the body. Lactase is an enzyme produced by the small intestine that serves to break the lactose contained in milk that can be absorbed by the body. But for people with lactose intolerance, lactose-solving process is complete so that no lactose is not tercena will enter the large intestine and is digested by bacteria present in it, causing flatulence, contains a lot of gas, and diarrhea.
As a solution of the feelings of nausea or abdominal pain, you can replace the milk with dairy products like cheese, yogurt , ice cream, evaporated milk or soy milk does not contain lactose. Some milk producers have also made milk without the lactose that can be consumed by pendeita "lactose intolerance".
If you want to consume dairy, you should not use sweetened condensed milk because milk is the nutritional content of this type is lower due to the manufacturing process also contain lots of fat and sugar are not good for the body. Consumption of milk is the recommended three servings per day. One serving is 250 ml of milk is equivalent to 35 grams of cheese or 200 grams or 200 grams of yogurt ice cream. So, there is no reason for you not to drink milk instead?


Drugstore Life, Herbs for Health and Beauty

Activities gardening many benefits. Especially beneficial for the health of the body, resulting in a healthy and beautiful environment. A house will certainly look nice when having a beautiful garden that contains a variety of beautiful plants. Do not waste your land or yard for a garden. Not only with various decorative tanamanan or different types of flowers and tree fruits , you can also make the garden a living pharmacy that will be useful for the whole family .

Life Pharmacies

Understanding life pharmacies are utilizing some of the land for cultivation of medicinal plants for everyday purposes. Generally known, that many traditional medicines that can be used to treat various diseases. Traditional medicine is generally more secure because it is natural and has fewer side effects than the drugs manufactured. That is why most people prefer taking traditional medicines.
Imagine, if in your yard are available medicinal plants that can be used when one family member is sick. Of course it fun. You can just pick it up anytime, even though the night. No need to spend money and guaranteed freshness because plucked straight from the plant.
Medicinal plants with no less beautiful ornamental plants. You can also plant it among the ornamental plants or flowers that exist. Apart from medicinal plants are generally more robust in the face of various diseases of plants as contain natural substances to cope, so you do not need to provide pesticides.
Thus, in order to make the pharmacy a wonderful and rewarding life there are some things to consider.For example, you need to menyerasikannya with plants and other elements in the park, so as not to damage the garden arrangement. You also need to know the benefits of each and how the use of medicinal plants accordingly.

Medicinal Plants

In the early days, the treatment at home with medicinal plants found to try and learn from mistakes (trial and error). Currently, extracts of several medicinal plants have been used for the treatment of the modern era and is useful for curing many serious diseases.
You can also obtain direct benefits from medicinal plants grown in gardens or parks in your home. The following medicinal plants that can fill your life pharmacies:
  • Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera or aloe vera has long been recognized as a hair fertilizer plant. Another benefit is that it can relieve cough.
  • Betel

    Known for having a good antiseptic content. You can also use it to relieve cough.
  • Galangal

    In addition to the kitchen as a spice, ginger can cure skin fungus on the skin.
  • Wild Ginger

    Useful to overcome the jaundice.
  • Cumin

    If anyone in the family hot, use cumin leaves to reduce the heat. Useful also for the launch of breastfeeding for mothers who are breastfeeding.
  • Ginger

    Can be used to cure coughs and rheumatism because it produces a sense of warmth.
  • Shallots

    These famous herbs are also useful for treating colds.
  • Crown god

    Plants that have been known as a medicinal plant. Can cure high blood diseases.
  • Cat whiskers

    Can be used to relieve back pain.
  • Sambiloto

    The bitter taste is believed to cure various diseases. You can use the leaves to cure diseases and typhoid fever.
  • Noni (PACE)

    Fruit is beneficial for the body a lot. By eating the fruit can relieve osteoporosis.
  • Lemon

    Fruit acids can be used to relieve cough.
  • Begonia

    An ornamental plant, but also has benefits to cope with menstrual pain.
  • Croton

    Also a common ornamental plant grown in the garden because the leaves are colorful. Can be utilized green leaves are yellow to warm the stomach.
  • Jasmine

    Beautiful flower whose fragrance is often used as a perfume raw material, apparently including medicinal plants. Savor the leaves can cure shortness of breath and headaches. The flowers can be used to treat eye inflammation.
  • Bay

    Bay leaf boiled water is able to overcome ulcer disease and is also capable of lowering blood sugar levels quickly so good for people with diabetes .
  • Guava

    Guava also has properties. The leaves can be used to treat constipation or diarrhea diseases. The function of the leaves are able to make the hard stools, thereby reducing the bowel. Fruit juice is also good for health because they contain lots of vitamin C and good for patients such as dengue fever.
Seeing the many benefits of living pharmacy, can certainly move you to utilize the existing land at home.Parks can provide a psychological effect for people who are sick and recover faster. Caring for your plants also become a means of moving the body and exercise. The result of the body to be healthy and beautiful .
If your home does not have large land do not despair, use pot as a planting medium. By having a living pharmacy, home to beautiful, beautiful, healthy and can save money to buy drugs or herbs. Medicinal plants would make sense for you and your family.


DNA testing, Is Accurate and Trustworthy?


DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, or in Indonesian often called AND, which is short fordeoxyribonucleic acid. AND DNA or genetic material is contained within the body of every person who inherited from parents. DNA contained in the nucleus of cells in the structure of chromosomes and themitochondria.
Function as a blueprint that serves as a conduit of code for every human being such as to hair color, eye shape, face shape, skin color, and others. The introduction of DNA structure was introduced by Francis Crick, a British scientist James Watson and from the United States in 1953.
Struktur DNATo facilitate us to understand what DNA is, you try to think of a sentence. Sentence is composed of several words. And every word is formed from some alphabet. It can be said, the alphabet is a basic element of many languages. A similar principle can be applied to DNA. At the molecular level, "alphabet" of DNA provided by the principal. The amazing thing is that the "alphabet" consists of only four letters A, C, G, and T, which is a symbol of the chemical bases adenine, cytosine (cytosine), guanine, and thymine.These compounds form an exclusive bond, in which adenine is always paired with thymine and guanine always pairs with cytosine.
Form of DNA is like a double helix which together with the meeting. DNA consists of four base pairs A, C, G, and T is a nitrogen-containing chemical components. The sequence of bases in the DNA molecule is what determines the genetic information contained in it. In short, this sequence determines almost everything about you, from hair color, skin color, to the shape of your nose.
Every human has 23 pairs of chromosomes consisting of 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes and 1 pair of chromosomes determine gender. Someone with XX chromosomes determine the sex of female and XY for someone who is male sex. Chromosome is obtained from the parents, half from the mother and half from the father.

DNA Tests

On mitochondrial DNA known as mitochondrial DNA obtained in the entirety of the mother.Mitochondrial DNA tests with mengembil one can identify whether a person has a family relationship with the family of the mother or maternal family relationships. You do this by comparing the mitochondrial DNA had a biological mother, grandmother or siblings from the mother.
Because a mother down the full mitochondrial DNA to their children, what about fathers? A father will inherit a Y chromosome to his sons (because the Y chromosome has only a male XY sex chromosomes).While girls do not have Y chromosomes (XX female sex chromosome).
To prove the family's relationship with his father's side can be done by comparing the Y chromosomes of a child with his biological father or a sibling of the father's side. Because the Y chromosome examination only for boys, then how do DNA tests on a girl?
DNA tests done by taking DNA from somatic chromosomes. Ties of DNA in the somatic almost the same on everyone because it serves to form and function of organs. Sequence errors can lead to disorders in humans are concerned. But at the core of these cells also contained an area known as the area of STR(short tandem repeats). This area does not give the code to do something.
STR is what is unique because it is different for each person. The difference lies in the sequence of base pairs generated and the sequence repetition STR. AGACC sequence will be different with someone who has a string AGACT. So also with the sequence of repetition that is unique. STR pattern is inherited from parents.

How do DNA test?

In this example a DNA test to prove whether a child really is the biological child of a husband and wife.How to check the DNA tests done by taking a STR of the child. Furthermore, the laboratory will be analyzed sequence strand of the STR whether the order together with someone who made a pattern from a child. The order is not the only one because the examination is continued by looking at the number of chromosomes.
For example, a child's examination found that the chromosome number 3 has a sequence with a repetition AGACT 2 times. When the father or mother who claimed his biological parents also have a repetition of the same on the same chromosome number, it can be concluded between the two men had family ties.
A person can be said to have a blood relationship if you have 16 STR equal to kelurga siblings. When the sequence and repetition of the same, then the two people who checked has ties sibling or a close blood relationship. This amount is quite small compared to the overall bond spiral in our bodies, amounting to billions.
DNA tests carried out by taking a little part of your body to compare with others. The part that can be taken to be checked is the hair, saliva, urine, vaginal fluid, semen, blood and other body tissues. These samples will not change throughout one's life. The use of alcohol, tobacco or drugs will not change the structure of DNA. The results of DNA tests will be run from a new patient can be seen 2-4 weeks. Cost required for DNA tests currently around 7 to 8 million dollars.

Benefits of DNA Testing

DNA testing has now become a trend to prove the link one's blood relations. Given the many infidelities and free sex, has resulted in many children who questioned the origin of their parents. Therefore, many couples do DNA tests to prove the origin of children born to them.
Even in some countries, many DNA testing clinics. Many also are using DNA tests because of suspicion of her partner. Some people give up personal items belonging partner to the clinic to be tested whether their partners connect with others who are not spouses.
In the police, DNA testing is also used for forensic tests. DNA testing is the most accurate evidence to test a person identification than fingerprints. With DNA testing, police can provide authentic evidence of bodies that have been destroyed, provided that tissue samples can be taken on these corpses.
In addition to detecting family relationships, DNA testing also serves to detect a particular disease until the disease is complex. With DNA testing can cause a disease known what else is hereditary.
Advances in technology have made ​​more new things to learn. DNA test at this point is the identification of the most accurate and reliable. Information about the DNA tests above may help you familiarize yourself more closely with the process.